Richard Harries will be convening a series of seminars on T.S.Eliot’s Four Quartets on Thursdays at 4pm on Zoom beginning on January 7th 2021 and lasting for one and a half hours.

The Four Quartets seminar series
Time: weekly at 4pm Thursday 7th Jan 2020 to 4th Feb 2021

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 0853 2853
Passcode: 154040

All are welcome, no prior expertise is needed and all you will require is a copy of the poem, available in paperback from about £10. You can also listen to T S Eliot reading the poem on YouTube. This poem expresses Eliot’s mature faith and repays close reading. It would help to have a rough indication of those expressing an initial interest. Thank you to those who have already let us know.  Please send your name to Cheryl at the office on [email protected]